As the expiration of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) nears, states need to be planning now for the repercussions. For the first time in years, states will be going through the process of redetermination—often called “the unwinding”—for millions of recipients of Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
As we know, enrollment expanded dramatically during the PHE. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 16.1 million people enrolled in Medicaid from February 2020 to February 2022, creating a total of more than 87 million Medicaid and CHIP enrollees as of February 2022.
The need to keep Medicaid recipients informed.
As the unwinding approaches, it’s critically important for states to let their current enrollees know that renewals are going to happen, and that they will need to take action to keep their coverage. Some recipients may have moved during the pandemic, so they should be reminded to update their mailing address and contact information. If states are unable to reach recipients, some people who remain eligible for coverage could lose it. In addition, those who become ineligible for assistance need to realize that other affordable coverage options may be available to them, such as subsidized insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace or a state-based exchange.
Four recommendations to spread the word about reenrollment.
What can states do to help recipients stay informed about reenrollment? Here are four recommendations that could help extend your reach.
Use social media to communicate. Popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and TikTok should be considered, in addition to more traditional vehicles like direct mail, radio and television. Recipients must know about the impending reenrollment process and the importance of updating their mailing address and contact information. They also need to be told to watch for reenrollment information in the mail, and to complete any enclosed forms in a timely manner. CMS has created a useful toolkit with recommended messaging in a variety of mediums, from social media posts to call center scripts.
Tap into the power of celebrities and influencers. Every state has sports, entertainment and business personalities who can act as public megaphones. Using celebrities can amplify the renewal message and allow states to get through to greater numbers of people. Politicians can also use their influence to let constituents know about the upcoming reenrollment process.
Reach out to parents through schools. Parents regularly receive communication from their children’s schools. States can ask schools to post website bulletins, send emails and distribute printed materials about renewing coverage for Medicaid and CHIP.
Take advantage of emergency department visits. When recipients come to an emergency room, this is an opportunity for healthcare providers to assess the situation in a whole-person context that includes physical, mental and socioeconomic factors. Medicaid recipients can be informed about the upcoming need to renew enrollment, and providers can suggest wrap-around solutions for individuals and families while identifying those who could be at higher risk of losing coverage.
The unwinding is coming, and it is likely to create multiple challenges. States can alleviate some of those challenges by spreading key messages to recipients now, so those who are eligible for Medicaid or CHIP can continue to receive it, and those who become ineligible can clearly understand their coverage options.