Eat right. Exercise often. Make healthcare a priority. We all strive to live healthier lives, but this goal is out of reach for far too many who lack the resources needed to do so today — let alone achieve a healthier, self-sufficient future.
Determinants of Health and Self-Sufficiency
Whole Person Service acknowledges the fact that, just as a person’s well-being is not limited to their physical health, the actions we take to assist them must be effective not only in the moment, but over the long term.
A person in a state of medical distress, for example, may require emergency care while someone experiencing hunger may need urgent food assistance. Whole Person Service doesn’t end once those immediate needs are met. Rather, this is where the journey toward long-term, sustainable improvement often begins.
Recognizing the different states along this journey (Gainwell Technologies refers to them as In Distress, At Risk and Self Sufficient) and the factors that led to the initial interaction with the system can help to inform a holistic and progressive improvement plan — one that addresses social determinants of health and aims to improve quality of life. The ultimate goal is helping the individual reach a self-sufficient state.
Engage and Empower
The journey to self-sufficiency is often gradual, requiring ongoing supplemental assistance and the coordination of multiple services to empower recipients and caseworkers alike to achieve positive outcomes. This can’t happen without a single source of truth — a comprehensive view of the various services a person is receiving — as well as the data and analytics to assess future risk.
A change in employment status or living situation, for example, could have a number of health and financial implications down the line. Predictive analytics can help to identify potential risk and inform proactive measures, often through the coordination of services, to mitigate that risk and facilitate continued self-sufficiency.
Visibility Gives Way to Action
Gainwell’s analytics-driven Whole Person Service is designed to help state and community programs take a closer look at a person’s multifaceted needs while complying with all privacy and data security requirements. Having information on all the services a recipient is receiving helps the caseworker better manage the agency’s services as well as referrals to partner agencies.
Gainwell focuses considerable time and energy working to make the entire experience seamless and smooth for recipients, and more efficient and productive for those who serve them. Our goal is to help eliminate barriers to care and empower people to live healthier, self-sufficient lives.
Learn More About Whole Person Service
In an on-demand webinar, Gainwell’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Gary Call and Director of Product Development Jung Kim, Ph.D., share actionable steps to develop a whole person strategy with the goal of empowering healthier individuals, families and communities.
The webinar covers:
- Leading market trends in health and human services
- How to stay ahead of evolving eligibility and enrollment pathways with modern technology
- Best practices for creating a seamless experience for recipients, employees and partners across various communication channels, programs and platforms
- Strategies for building a lasting outcome-based action plan with meaningful analytics
It’s time to take action and eliminate the many barriers impacting the health and well-being of our vulnerable populations. Click here to access the full webinar, Whole Person Care: An Integrated Approach to Self-Sufficiency. To learn more about our services, visit