People may be less trusting in lots of ways these days, but they still have trust in their doctors, according to a new survey.
More than nine in 10 people ranked doctors as the most trusted profession, according to a survey of more than 1,000 people by Airtasker, an online community platform.
Some 91.9% of respondents said they had trust in doctors. In the survey, physicians outranked six other professions including IT workers, plumbers, ride-hailing or taxi drivers, housecleaners and auto mechanics.
People were also slightly more likely to trust a female physician (93.4%) over a male doctor (89.8%).
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And when respondents were asked about race, black physicians were trusted the most (93.4%), above whites (91.3%), Hispanics (89.9%) and Asian doctors (91.4%).
The survey asked people who they trust more to do specific tasks and what qualities they consider most valuable. Experience was rated the number one most valued quality in a worker, followed by education and sincerity
A Gallup poll released late last year found medical professionals are the most trusted. In that survey of the American public, nurses topped the list, as they have for years, followed by doctors and pharmacists.