Medical records end up in dumpster when practice closes; Study finds skills can lapse in pediatric surgeons;

News From Around the Web

> Following an anonymous tip, unshredded medical records and X-rays containing patient information were found in a dumpster behind a medical practice that closed in Albuquerque, New Mexico, a clear HIPAA violation, according to a KOB-TV report. Article

> A study in JAMA Surgery found that some pediatric surgeons perform so few rare and complex procedures once they complete their surgical training that they may have a hard time maintaining all of their surgical skills. Study

> With summer approaching, the Zika virus could be a problem in more areas than expected, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the mosquitoes that can carry the virus may spread further north than experts originally thought, as far as San Francisco, Kansas City and New York City, according to a Wall Street Journal report. Article

Provider News

> Population health management is far from one-size-fits-all, and frontline caregivers are less enthusiastic about the model as a panacea for all of healthcare's ills than executives are, according to a post on the New England Journal of Medicine's (NEJM) Catalyst blog. Article

> When it comes to gaining a complete view of a patient's health, story gathering and storytelling is key, according to Dhruv Khullar, M.D., and one way to facilitate that is by letting patients read their medical records. Article

And Finally… No fools here. Article