More than 18 million veterans live in the U.S., making up about 7% of the adult population. Many of them encounter unique health challenges daily, often stemming directly from their military service.

Despite theoretically having access to care and services through the Department of Veterans Affairs, the reality falls far short of perfect. Crippling wait times, confusing benefits, and a lack of interoperability are just a few of the longstanding issues plaguing the veteran healthcare system.

In this week’s episode of “Podnosis,” Fierce Healthcare Senior Writer Anastassia Gliadkovskaya sits down with two experts experienced in navigating these challenges to discuss how stakeholders can overcome these barriers.

In the first segment, she chats with Jenn Kerfoot, Chief Strategy and Growth Officer at DUOS. Next, Anastassia interviews Stephanie Muckey, Population Health Strategy Lead for the Veteran Population at Humana.

To learn more about the topics in this episode: 

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