Sanders, Senate Democrats introduce bill to repeal Cadillac tax

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and a group of Senate Democrats introduced a bill Thursday to repeal the Cadillac tax, which would place a 40 percent levy on certain high-cost employer health plans starting in 2017. The legislation joins another similar measure introduced in the Senate known as the Middle Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal Act of 2015. 

While there is evidence that the Affordable Care Act-mandated tax may already be encouraging employers to reduce their health plan costs, it has also been the target of considerable criticism, including a lobbying effort against it by a group that includes health insurer Cigna and the National Association of Health Underwriters. Sanders notes in his announcement of the new legislation that he has opposed the tax since the ACA was enacted in 2010. "Some have said that this tax only falls on 'Cadillac' healthcare plans, but the reality is that the plans this bill will tax are more like Chevrolets," he says. "The tax not only punishes hard working Americans, it is simply bad policy." Announcement