As of March 25, over 1 million people enrolled in consumer operated and oriented health insurance plans (CO-OPs) during the 2015 enrollment period, the National Alliance of State Health CO-OPs (NASHCO) announced. The CO-OPs, operating in 23 states, more than doubled their enrollment from 2014's 400,000 members. For the second year in a row, as noted in the announcement, average premium rates are lower in states with CO-OPs than states without. Additionally, average premium rates fell by 1.9 percent in CO-OP states for 2015, while they increased 1.5 percent in non-CO-OP states. "These numbers are further evidence that CO-OPs are making a real impact on the health insurance marketplaces in their states--an impact that goes well beyond enrollment numbers," said Martin Hickey, M.D., Chair of NASHCO's Board and President and CEO of New Mexico Health Connections. "Indeed, health insurance CO-OPs are driving innovation, competition, and affordability across the country." Announcement