Only 7% of consumers think exchange rollout went well; Consumer-directed plans could become more common;

New From Around the Web:

> Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield is dropping its Medicaid plans across New York state, affecting about 200,000 people. The insurer said its decision was based on losses of almost $100 million this year for the Medicaid plans, reported the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle. Article

> Only 7 percent of consumers say the opening of the health insurance exchanges have gone extremely well or very well, an AP-GfK poll found as reported by the Associated Press. And 42 percent of uninsured consumers said they didn't know enough to have an opinion on the exchange rollout. Article

> Consumer-directed health plans are already offered by 56 percent of the 800 employers surveyed by Aon Hewitt, and another 30 percent of employers are considering providing a CDHP in the next three to five years, reported the Associated Press. Article

Health Provider News:

> Patients with private insurance receive better hospital care than those without it, finds a new study published in Health Affairs. Article

> Medicaid spending and enrollment are expected to rise, even in states that aren't expanding the state-federal health insurance program. Article

Health IT News:

> By requiring consumers create online accounts before they can shop for plans, the federal-run health insurance exchanges "choked" their own website and caused enrollment delays. Article

> Health information is especially vulnerable to the kinds of subtle discrimination that can result from big data analysis. Article

And Finally... Don't let anyone smell your sweat--unless you want to seem less confident. Article