MBPA Raises Eyebrow to Minor ACA Tweak

Severely Flawed Healthcare Reform Needs Major Overhaul

WARREN, Mich., Nov. 14, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Michigan Business and Professional Association (MBPA) said today that, while it is pleased to see the Obama Administration take steps to allow individuals to keep existing health plans as the President promised for another year, the action is merely a band aid on a complex situation that requires more significant action.

Jennifer Kluge, CEO of MBPA, states, "We definitely support the delay announced today regarding the cancellation of individual health insurance plans but we are disappointed with the continuing rise in premiums across both individual and group health insurance plans regardless of the new health care law."

Kluge explained that the Administration's latest action, which simply allows individuals to keep existing plans for one more year, will eventually cause additional churn and chaos in a "very complex and broken health care reform model."

"What we all really need is a significant and comprehensive overhaul of the entire plan, not merely a one-year delay in one aspect of the system," she concluded. 

She pointed out that MBPA has been working at every step of the health care roll out to educate its members through seminars, webinars, conferences and resource material all solely dedicated to federal healthcare reform and that, even though the latest action directly affects only individuals, there are still repercussions for businesses in terms of their benefit strategies. 

"The fact remains that, regardless of this latest delay, the Affordable Care Act still goes into effect for everyone on January 1, 2014," said Kluge.

The Michigan Business and Professional Association boasts a statewide sphere of influence that no other organization of its kind can claim, leveraging a depth of programs and community initiatives that positively impact more than 150,000 businesses. Learn more at www.michbusiness.org.

For Further Information:
Jennifer Kluge 
586-393-8800 Office
586-202-1441 Cell

Sue Voyles
734-667-2005 Office
734-635-3831 Cell

SOURCE Michigan Business and Professional Association