Cigna CEO David Cordani received a drastic increase in total compensation over the course of one year. His pay last year was 4.5 times the amount he earned in 2012, the Hartford Courant reported. Cordani took home $17.76 million in 2013, including $1 million in salary, $2.16 million in incentive-plan compensation, $3.25 million in value realized upon exercising previously granted options, $11.16 million in value realized upon stocks vesting and more than $150,000 in other compensation, according to an annual notice of executive compensation Cigna filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. He also received $9 million in stock and stock options. Meanwhile, Cigna Chief Financial Officer Thomas McCarthy earned $3.87 million, plus stock awards of $1.84 million and option awards of more than $220,000. And Cigna-HealthSpring President Herbert Fritch received $6.25 million in 2013, plus $1.23 million in stock awards and about $830,000 in option awards, while Cigna's President of Regional Operations Matthew Manders took home $7.29 million, in addition to $1.13 million in stock awards and more than $760,000 option awards. Article