Why docs must adapt to the new information age

The days of complex medical studies only being available to doctors who have gone through years of professional training are long gone and need to be accepted, according to MedCrunch co-founder Lukas Zinnagl, M.D., who wrote a guest post for KevinMD.com. Zinnagl, who outlined a talk by IBM Germany CTO Gunter Dueck on the pros and cons of an increasingly "connected and information-based world," called it both "simply amazing" and "slightly discomforting" that the Internet essentially levels the playing field when it comes to acquiring knowledge. At the same time, Zinnagl said, wearing a white coat isn't enough to stand out anymore. "Experience and specialization are elements that make a good physician in the 21st Century, but if you agree with the fact that it's more important to know where to find information, rather than having it all stored in your brain, then this ultimately must result in the fact that medical education must change radically." Post