VA launches innovation series for creation of prosthetic limbs

A new initiative by the Department of Veterans Affairs aims to create better prosthetic limbs with the help of engineers, health professionals and others.

The three-month Innovation Creation Series for Prosthetics and Assistive Technologies, according to Nextgov, wants to create the tools to help wounded veterans in their daily lives.

"We also want to ... try to attract people to want to work in this arena--rehabilitation--to design the best possible services and technologies surrounding prosthetics and assisted technologies that can help not only veterans but patients at large," Andrea Ippolito, a presidential innovation fellow who organized the crowdsourcing series, said in the article.

There are five challenges based on level of need and ability to use the tools at large. The challenges include a "smart" medication pill box, a tool to lessen tremors and a gaming console to improve hand-eye coordination. Article