New imaging technique detects progressive impact of Parkinson's; Payer rules for protecting health info on mobile devices;

> Online gaming is a viable option for crowdsourced counting of malaria parasites in images of blood films, according to a study published recently in the Journal of Medical Internet Research. "Over one month, anonymous players from 95 countries played more than 12,000 games and generated a database of more than 270,000 clicks on the test images," the researchers wrote. "Results revealed that combining 22 games from nonexpert players achieved a parasite counting accuracy higher than 99 percent." Study

> Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a new imaging technique that allows them to detect the progressive damage inflicted on two brain structures affected by Parkinson's disease. The researchers used four types of MRI scans, each using various settings, to come up with different images of the part of the brain containing the substantia nigra and the basal forebrain, which is involved with learning and memory. The researchers combined the images to get a clearer picture of damage done to these two brain structures. FierceMedicalImaging

> Knowing who has access to electronic protected health information is critical to the protection of such data on mobile devices, Sherry Ryan, director and chief information security officer at Blue Shield of California, recently told FierceHealthPayer. "People carry a great deal of their lives on these small, powerful and convenient devices. [They] don't appreciate the dangers mobile communications present to them in terms of their personal information and identities." FierceHealthPayer

And Finally… He must have a lot of time on his hands. Article