How to prepare your hospital for a HIPAA audit; SAIC splits into two public companies;

> In order to prepare for a HIPAA audit, hospital officials would be wise to not only become familiar with audit protocol, but also to run their own internal mock audits, according to Matt Jackson, a director with global IT and audit consulting firm Protiviti, as well as a number of other information security specialists who spoke recently with Becker's Hospital Review. Jackson told Becker's that it would behoove officials to prepare for a worst-case scenario; "assume … that you've been selected for an audit and only have two weeks to prepare," he said. Article

> Science Applications International Corp. announced it will split into two public companies by the end of next year, the Washington Post reports. One company will offer technical services, while the other will offer solutions. Healthcare will be a focus of the latter section. Article

> At the recent Health Innovation Summit in San Francisco hosted by Rock Health, Vinod Khosla, co-founder of Sun Microsystems, said he thinks 80 percent of doctors could be replaced by machines, according to a recent blog post by family physician Davis Liu, M.D. Khosla, according to Liu, likened healthcare to witchcraft, saying it is "just based on tradition." Post

And Finally… Sometimes it pays to do things the easy way. Article