Case study: OH health system offers unified record

Here's a health system implementing a compromise electronic patient record, not exactly a PHR but not exactly a true EMR either. Kettering Health Network has launched an "individual health record," called DaytonHealthKonnect, in cooperation with a local health plan. The new record will integrate physician notes, pharmacy data and lab results, and will be equipped to alert doctors when a patient needs extra attention. The program, which is in a pilot phase, serves 6,800 patients insured by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Later, Kettering expects to provide such a record to all patients treated in its network, executives said. Anthem has invested more than $250,000 to help Kettering launch the new record, which will be available to both physicians and patients. Anthem is planning to study how patients who have a record fare, compared to patients who don't have an IHR.

To find out more about the rollout:
- read this Dayton Business Journal article