California hospital uses robots to dispense prescriptions; Pharmacies rely on data during allergy season;

News From Around the Web

> Robots are taking over at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center, where the machines are sorting and dispensing prescriptions. The hospital also has robots to deliver prescriptions, foods and linens, according to an NPR report. The machines have not replaced employees already working at the facility, but have replaced hires that would be made. Article

> Pharmacies are turning to big data during allergy season to ensure they keep products in stock, according to the Wall Street Journal. The vendors use data from different retailers and cross-reference with information, such as weather and pollen levels, to predict future consumer demand. Article   

Provider News

> While it's become clear that patient safety suffers if nurses are spread too thin, individuals who speak up about staff shortages often face harsh reprisals from their employers. Article

> Personal stories and anecdotes can be a valuable tool in healthcare, but some hospitals use them to obscure lackluster care quality ratings while the media look the other way. Article

Health Insurance News

> A lawsuit filed by House Republicans challenging two key facets of Affordable Care Act implementation will get its day in U.S. District Court. Article

And Finally... Basically a high school student's worst nightmare. Article