World Renowned Quality Expert Blanton Godfrey to Address TeleTracking Conference

PITTSBURGH, July 13, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Renowned quality expert Blanton Godfrey, Ph.D., board chairman of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and one of the creators of the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award, will be the featured speaker when TeleTracking Technologies celebrates 20 years of enhancing hospital efficiency at its annual client conference October 10-12, 2011 in San Diego, CA.

Dr. Godfrey, one of the world's most knowledgeable living quality experts, will discuss ways of improving hospital efficiency in light of health care reform. Now dean of North Carolina State University's College of Textiles, he previously served as chairman and CEO of the Juran Institute, a leading international consulting, research, and training organization focused on quality management and business excellence. His personal achievements and scholarship in quality, Six Sigma, Lean, Baldrige, ISO 9000 and numerous innovation methods are unparalleled.

TeleTracking Technologies, the company which created automated patient flow management two decades ago, is the world leader in the category and the leading architect of real-time enterprise capacity management, which some experts believe is the fastest way for hospitals and health systems to reduce cost and generate revenue under the new demands of health care reform.

Other speakers at the 20th anniversary celebration include representatives of Baylor Health Care System, Dallas, TX; Holmes Regional Medical Center, Melbourne, FL; Denver Health & Hospital Authority, Denver, CO; Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL; Toronto East General Hospital, Toronto, ON; Athens Regional Medical Center, Athens, GA; University of Utah, Health Care, Salt Lake City, UT; Memorial Health System, Colorado Springs, CO; Metro Health System, Cleveland, OH; Methodist Healthcare, San Antonio, TX and University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, VA.

Dr. Godfrey helped found the National Demonstration Project for Health Care Quality Improvement In 1987 with Harvard's Don Berwick, who is now administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).  That project evolved into the not-for-profit IHI, a major force in changing health care management throughout the world

A former quality management instructor at Columbia and Harvard, Godfrey also directed the Quality Theory and Technology Department of AT&T Bell Laboratories, which focused on applied research in quality management and technology, reliability and productivity.  He is a recipient of the Edwards Medal from the American Society for Quality Control for his outstanding contributions to the science and practice of quality management. He has taught in over sixty countries and consulted with many top executives around the globe. His writings have been translated into fifteen languages.

About TeleTracking Technologies

For two decades, TeleTracking Technologies has applied innovative, industry-leading logistics principles to hospitals and health systems to enhance patient care, improve financial performance and gain competitive advantage. Along with its Avanti Patient Flow, RTLS and Business Analytics divisions TeleTracking designs and delivers an enterprise-wide computer-automated platform that reduces overcrowding, cuts costs, generates revenue, fights the spread of infection, manages assets, accelerates patient transfers and provides business analytics for continual operational improvement and business development. The result is an end-to-end system that connects patient flow to patient care for better outcomes.

Dennis Morabito
Sr. Mgr., Marketing Communications
[email protected]

SOURCE TeleTracking Technologies, Inc.