News From Around the Web
> U.S. life expectancy at birth increased by one year between 2005 and 2011, mainly because of decreases in deaths from heart disease, cancer, and pneumonia and influenza, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Report (.pdf)
> Medicare may consider paying doctors to counsel patients about their options for end-of-life care, Yahoo News reports. Article
> Rates of paid malpractice claims against physicians have decreased dramatically since the early 2000s, according to a study of trends in medical liability published online in The Journal of the American Medical Association. Study
Antifraud News
> Avoidable mistakes can compromise an investigation and aggravate problems under review. Former Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General Richard Kusserow has been asked so often to help fix investigative errors that he created a list of best practices. FiercePayerAntiFraud highlights three of his tips. Article
Mobile Healthcare News
> Acceptance and use of mHealth devices for medical care by doctors and patients varies given age and education levels, according to a research report from Hannover Medical School in Germany, which examined how medical staff and patients perceive mHealth devices. Article
And Finally… Can I have a Snickers bar with that ring? Article