Trend: Young PCPs see dozens of job offers

Given mushrooming primary care shortages, young PCPs in training shouldn't be surprised if they feel like they have a bullseye on their head. According to one survey, almost 80 percent of primary care residents got 26 job solicitations before they even completed their training, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges.

Not only is the demand for primary care patient management growing, physician aging is playing a role. In California, which has the highest number of active doctors aged 60 and older, it's a particularly acute problem. But several factors that continue to hold primary care levels at below-replacement rates, including relatively low pay and unpredictable schedules.

Particularly in superheated markets like California, the shortage is pressuring providers to acquire practices and nail down physician relationships. Of course, the shortage is pushing up PCP salaries as well, but not necessarily among smaller practices whose margins don't allow for big increases.  All in all, there's quite a market imbalance here. It will be interesting to see what aspect of the system gives in 2008.

To get more information on the physician shortage:
- read this Sacramento Business Journal article

PLUS: Here's a look at the physician recruiting challenges faced by Memphis-based recruiters. Article

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