Team at UNC said to achieve HIV breakthrough

A team at the University of North Carolina said it may have made the most significant breakthrough in the war against HIV/AIDS since the development of the therapeutic cocktail which first slowed the ravages of the disease more than a decade ago. Scientists said they were able to significantly intensify the effect of an existing cocktail on latent HIV infections by combining it with valproic acid, which is used to treat epilepsy patients. The research was published in today's issue of the Lancet.

"Our findings suggest that eradication of established HIV infection might be achieved in a staged approach," said lead researcher David Margolis. "This finding, though not definitive, suggests that new approaches will allow the cure of HIV in the future." Margolis cautioned, however, that any potential cure is still a long way away and that for now emphasis should be placed on prevention. Other experts responded cautiously to the news, saying more study is needed.   

- see this story from the Independent