Pfizer chief's pay jumps to $14.8M; Physicians find HIT awkward, unresponsive;

> Sure, the attention these days is on high Wall Street salaries. But Pfizer chief Jeff Kindler's $14.8 million--up a not-so-shabby 17 percent over 2008--is no joke either. FiercePharma

> A new survey concludes that physicians aren't generally happy with the EMRs that get installed in their practices and hospitals, calling them awkward and poorly designed. FierceHealthIT

> Can health IT solve some of the communication backups plaguing hospitals? Our answer is an unqualified "maybe." FierceHealthFinance

> New research suggests that injecting bone marrow stem cells proved a safe and effective way to improve quality of life for eight acute and chronic spinal cord injury patients. FierceBioResearcher

And Finally... Believe it or not, it wasn't the fact that this man's passenger was a plastic dummy that got him pulled over. Article