NY hospital, nursing home closure plans progress

The state of New York continues to make progress in its plan to merger or restructure more than 50 hospitals and nursing homes. The plan, which is design to cut down on duplication of services and eliminate excess capacity, has already had an impact at almost 80 facilities. The process began when a commission, the Commission on Health Care Facilities in the 21st Century, made a sweeping set of recommendations designed to trim waste from the state's healthcare system.

As part of the process, nine hospitals with almost 1,700 beds will close by January of next year. Meanwhile, another 1,700 hospitals beds will be removed from the market by 2010, through a combination of hospital and nursing home mergers, cooperative agreements and other measures.  Meanwhile, seven nursing homes with 1,100 beds will have closed--and the state expects to cut another 1,600 such beds by the end of 2010.

To learn more about the commission's work:
- read this Modern Healthcare article (reg. req.)

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