Mentors dramatically improve nurse retention

Sometimes, it seems, having someone take an interest makes all of the difference. Despite an array of forces prompting high nurse turnover, a new pilot program has found that nurses are seven times more likely to stay on the job if they're properly mentored. The study drew on data from the California Nurses Association (CNA), which has been running a mentoring program at seven California hospitals. Mentors involved in the program are asked to complete a three-day class, then meet with their mentees for several hours a week for up to two years. Sponsoring hospitals are hoping to fight a costly turnover problem. Over the past several years, as many 60 percent of the state's registered nurses have been leaving hospitals after 18 months. Replacing these nurses can cost 1.5 times the nurse's annual salary, according to CNA estimates.

To find out more about the program:
- read this Sacramento Business Journal piece

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