Kathleen Sebelius - 9 People to Watch in Healthcare

Name: Kathleen Sebelius

Location: Topeka, Kansas

Profession: Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services; former governor of Kansas

Fast facts: Before being confirmed by the Senate as the current Secretary of Health and Human Services, Sebelius was a two-term governor for the state of Kansas. Her name also had been tossed around as being a potential vice-presidential candidate in both 2004 (with John Kerry) and 2008 (with Barack Obama). In 1994, Sebelius was elected to the position of state Insurance Commissioner for Kansas; during her term, she blocked a potential merger between Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas and a company in Indiana because the proposed merger would have raised premiums.

Why she's one to watch: Sebelius takes office at a time when healthcare reform is the top priority in the nation. While at the moment, you can't think of healthcare without thinking of President Obama, Sebelius's name should be just as synonymous. She also is in charge of coordinating a response to the recent H1N1 flu virus pandemic.

Website: www.hhs.gov