India's pharma industry rising; Health equity investors not worried over financial crisis;

> A new report on India's pharmaceuticals industry predicts it will rake in over about $2.5 billion in drugmakers' outsourcing by 2012. FiercePharma

> Medicare Part D  premiums for the 10 most popular drug-coverage plans will leap by 31 percent next year, according to CMS.

> In theory, the tsunami of financial problems that's hit Wall Street in recent weeks is enough to scare anyone, but healthcare equity investors don't seem too worried. FierceHealthFinance

> The National Science Foundation has once again completed its annual list of the top 20 academic institutions engaged in research work. Its research puts Johns Hopkins has come in at the top, with $1.55 billion in research spending in fiscal 2007. FierceBioResearcher

And Finally... You can be beautiful in Cambodia, but don't expect a medal. That's bad luck. Article