Healthcare research insufficiently randomized; Miss. puts public hospitals under Open Meetings law;

News From Around the Web

> A new multi-payer payment and care delivery model is intended to improve cancer care coordination, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced. Statement

> Research on the American healthcare system has not done enough to randomize the trials, according to a new study in Science. Study abstract

> The Mississippi Senate passed legislation to apply the state's Open Meetings law to its public hospitals, the Sun-Herald reports. Article

Health Finance News

> A collaborative effort by Wisconsin's hospitals to improve quality led to a big payday: An estimated $87 million in savings as reported by the Wisconsin Hospital Association. Article

> Should the U.S. Supreme Court invalidate tax subsidies to purchase insurance in more than three dozen states later this year, it would likely have a devastating impact on healthcare spending moving forward, particularly at the hospital level, according to a new study. Article

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