Health plan spends $4M to emphasize split with MDs

Sometimes, the perception lingers much longer than the reality. Despite having split up four years ago, it appears that Boston-area consumers still don't know that Harvard Pilgrim Health Care isn't affiliated with one private medical group. So now the health plan is mounting a $4 million ad campaign to get that point across. The new ads stress that Harvard Pilgrim beneficiaries can visit physicians across the area rather than visiting health plan-backed centers.

Years ago, patients who were part of the one million member Harvard Pilgrim had to see physicians in an affiliated medical group known as Harvard Vanguard. In 2004, however, Harvard Vanguard and Harvard Pilgrim broke off their relationship. Harvard Vanguard is now part of a larger group of medical practices known as Atrius Health, which is mounting its own separate ad campaign to stress Harvard Vanguard's arrival.

To learn more about the campaign:
- read this piece from The Boston Globe