HCA results look good; Psychiatrists choosing drugs over therapy;

> Hospital giant HCA, Inc.'s results are in, and particularly given that the U.S. is looking at a recession, they're fairly impressive. FierceHealthFinance

> A new study in the Archives of General Psychiatry seems to say incentives from managed care and more choices for psych drugs means psychiatrists increasingly turn to the prescription pad rather than the therapy couch. FiercePharma

> The U.K. is planning to double its stockpile of anti-flu meds to prepare for a possible pandemic. The government has secured enough drugs to dose about one-fourth of its population, but wants more. FiercePharma

> The FDA has come out with three all-new flu strains for this year's vaccine recipe, hoping to improve on last season's ineffective one. FierceVaccines

And Finally... Now this is one tough lady. (I wouldn't mess with her even if she didn't have a machete.) Article