Governors have high hopes for healthcare

Healthcare is a major topic of discussion at this year's annual meeting of the National Governor's Association and it seems as though they're getting a handle on what was previously seemed to be a hopeless situation. Several states, including West Virginia, Florida, Maine, and--most notably--Massachusetts, have initiated experimental programs that attempt to deal with high uninsurance rates and healthcare costs. It's too soon to tell which, if any, programs are successful. But the governors are encouraged by actually having options to deal with the problem. There is, of course, dissension between Democrats and Republicans as to which approach is best for healthcare reform, but one point everyone agrees on is that the current system need to be overhauled.

- read this report

PLUS: At the meeting, HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt announced that President Bush will sign an executive order requiring providers of federally-financed healthcare to implement quality measures and standards for information technology. The President hopes that the standards will slow healthcare inflation. Article