CIGNA launches site offering doctor, hospital rankings

CIGNA has launched a national website ranking doctors and hospitals by cost and quality measures, along with providing its beneficiaries with several additional tools to help them obtain care. Not only does the site rank providers, it also names hospitals in specific regions with the lowest death and complication rates. In addition, it offers lists of questions patients can ask their doctor in regards to specific conditions, and offers patients tools to help them locate nearby pharmacies with the lowest prices.

At least where New York physicians are concerned, Cigna's program will be under the scrutiny of a fierce watchdog. New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has investigated several of the state's health plans as they rolled out rating and ranking programs, and Cigna was one of the plans asked to sign an agreement detailing the practices it would adhere to in establishing ranking programs. Cigna has since hired the National Committee for Quality Assurance to oversee its ratings program for the entire U.S.

To learn more about CIGNA's rankings program:
- read this Atlanta Journal-Constitution article

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