TX doctors slam quality ratings system

The Texas Medical Association is not pleased. Leaders of the 41,000 physician trade group have fired off a broadside sharply criticizing the new physician rating system proposed by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas. The 3.3 million member health plan plans to create a Web-based physician ratings offering, scheduled to go live on January 1, which will use dark blue, light blue and gray ribbons to indicate the extent to which a given physician complies with evidence-based practices. The ratings system will use 36 evidence-based practice guidelines. However, angry physicians say that the data BCBS is using seems to be flawed, giving some doctors low marks when the physicians' own records show that they do follow proper practices. BCBS has agreed to hold off on releasing the ratings until it works things out with the medical association.

To learn more about the ratings issue:
- check out the medical association's statement detailing its complaints
- read this Modern Healthcare piece