Calif. prescription drug initiative examined

The Associated Press examines the battle over two ballot measures in the upcoming November 8 special election in California, each of which purports to contain rising prescription drug prices. Proposition 79, which is sponsored by consumer groups and unions, would give the uninsured price breaks and ban drug makers from selling to the state Medicaid program under certain conditions. Significantly, the initiative would also allow Californians to sue drug companies for "illegal profiteering." The drug industry backs Proposition 78, which is based on a law proposed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger last year and would impose certain restrictions and offer discounts for the uninsured but is considered to be far less sweeping.

Observers say the ballot measure is one of the drug lobby's highest priorities this year, given the likelihood that a win for Proposition 79 would probably inspire similar laws across the country. To date, pharmaceutical manufacturers have raised $59 million for their campaign. That compares with the $9.4 million the industry spent on the national elections last year.

- see this story from the AP