President says he'll veto bill stopping Medicare cuts

In what may turn out to be largely a symbolic gesture, President Bush has said that he plans to veto legislation that will put a stop to planned Medicare cuts for doctors. Among the reasons the White House cited for vetoing the bill was a provision which covers the money that would have been saved by imposing costs on private healthcare insurers. Those in favor of the bill, meanwhile, say that they're concerned about the exodus of doctors from Medicare that might occur if the cuts are enacted. An AMA survey concluded that up to 60 percent of doctors may begin limiting the number of Medicare patients they see if the cuts were to go into effect July 15. They're also worried about military families insured under Tricare, which bases its rates on Medicare. Regardless of what President Bush does, it seems the bill will become law, as it passed with enough votes for a veto override.

To learn more about this dispute:
- read this Los Angeles Times piece

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