One in five visitors has used phone; support for government-provided healthcare waning;

News From Around the Web

> One in five visitors to has logged on via a cell phone, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said Tuesday. HHS said little else about the site, or open enrollment, The Hill reported. Article

> More than half of Americans don't think it's the government's responsibility to ensure that all Americans have healthcare coverage, according to a Gallup poll. Public sentiment has shifted since 2006. Report

> President Lyndon Johnson signed Medicare and Medicaid into law in 1965, but it was 69 years ago yesterday, on Nov. 19, 1945, that Harry Truman pitched the idea of "universal," national healthcare coverage to Congress, PBS noted. Article

Health Finance News

> The Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating whether financial institutions were tipped off in April 2013 that Medicare was about to raise its rates. Article

> Ascension Health, the nation's largest nonprofit hospital operator, has banned pharma sales reps from its properties in an effort to hit back against rising drug costs. Article

And finally ... It's a drive-thru, sir, not a bike-thru. Article