Telehealth helps with domestic abuse counseling; Mobile tech security problems may impact health stocks;

> U.S. Surgeon General Regina Benjamin has created a "Healthy Apps Challenge," hoping app developers will find easy, fun, engaging ways to help non-tech-savvy individuals learn how to be more physically active, eat healthier and take better care of their health. Article

> Interesting cost data on telestroke robots: A new telehealth robotic system at Mercy Medical Center in Merced, Calif., will cost a little over $40,000 over three years. Article

> The University of Wyoming is using telehealth for counseling domestic abuse victims. It's a broadening area of telepsych services the state is experimenting with, according to the university. Announcement

> Home health agency executives lobbied Congress last week about telehealth, remote patient monitoring and more, pushing legislators to improve reimbursement for what they see as a key segment of reducing healthcare costs. Maybe hospital execs should join them next time? Article

> Intriguing commentary: Hospitals playing too fast and loose with mobile technologies flagged as one reason for major public healthcare stocks plummeting. See if you agree. Article

And Finally... Some people will do anything just for a day off. Article