Apple Watch aims to boost cancer treatments

A new Apple Watch app aims to enhance cancer care and improve patient monitoring during treatments such as chemotherapy.

The Medopad Apple Watch Chemotherapy app, now in pilot at London's King's College Hospital, reminds users about medication intake and lets them share data with caregivers on everything from physical activity to temperature and other body vital signs, according to a report at Wareable. The app also provides caregivers with data access via the Watch's accelerometer.

"The doctors who helped us to develop the app at King's are so excited," Medopad CEO Rich Khatib, M.D., told Wareable. "The tricky thing is how to integrate [Apple] HealthKit information into the systems that doctors and hospitals are using but Medopad takes care of this."

The app news illustrates the increasing popularity of Apple's first wearable and its ResearchKit platform, which debuted in March and promises to provide ubiquitous data sharing between patients, providers and payers. Medopad, a British healthcare company, has been developing mHealth apps for Apple's iPad and says its Watch app is just the first of many it plans to create. 

"Right now we are trying to educate people so we are paying for the Apple Watch devices," Medopad CTO Dan Vahdat told Wareable. "This app was built entirely for the Watch, the iPhone just acts as a communication device. In the future the devices would be sponsored perhaps by hospitals, pharmaceutical companies or insurance companies."

For more information:
- read the Wareable article