ONC to release more documents in support of final certification rule

While the final 2015 certification rule has been released by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, the agency's work is far from over, according to Steven Posnack, the agency's director of Office of Standards and Technology.

ONC has more documents in the pipeline set for release--including two that will help jumpstart IT development efforts in support of the final rule, Posnack writes at Health IT Buzz blog.

The first set of documents include the "Certification Companion Guides," which are created for health IT developers as a way to help them understand regulatory requirements, Posnack says.

Another set of documents will include draft 2015 Edition Test Procedures, used certification criterion; those will be open to stakeholder feedback for 30 days.  

In addition, the Natinonal Institute of Science and Technology is readying "alpha" versions of 2015 Edition testing tools for feedback and pilot testing. Post