Imaging Spotlight - July 18, 2011

Imaging Spotlight

Imaging diagnosis may represent best use scenario for IBM's Watson
Radiology may very well prove to be a sweet spot for IBM's supercomputer Watson. At heart, Watson is an electronic health record reader, according to a recent article in Diagnostic Imaging. Once that technology is correctly combined with picture archiving and communication system (PACS) technology, diagnosis times for patients could be shortened tremendously, according to Dr. Eliot Siegel, a radiology professor at the University of Maryland's School of Medicine. Full story

Data-mining tool helps to justify costly imaging tests
A new data-mining tool may justify the use of pricey imaging procedures. The tool, RadLex Enhanced Automated Leximer Mining (REALM), used in conjunction with the clinical-decision support system at Massachusetts General Hospital, looks at radiology data in conjunction with an algorithm and reports similar patient characteristics, according to AuntMinnie. The hope is that such information will help to justify the use of costly imaging tests. Full story