Healthcare technology risks and opportunities as the Trump Administration transitions from campaigning to governing, the hype versus the realities of value-based care, population health and next generation tech like machine learning, blockchain, and genomics—these are some of the topics Shahid Shah hopes to learn more about at the HIMSS 2017 meeting next month.
Shah, a health information technology expert and consultant who's probably best known as "The Health IT Guy," will be one of 20 “social media ambassadors” for the annual Health Information and Management Systems Society conference February 19-23 in Orlando (find the full list here).
Gathering in person at HIMSS helps set the strategic agenda for the year, he tells Healthcare IT News, a HIMSS publication.
RELATED: Drex DeFord: Value-based care top of mind for CIOs
"The number one question I’m getting these days is what I think about the Trump Administration and its views on healthcare," he says.
"The other topics that I know will come up are value-based payments and whether we’re really getting closer to a world of pay for performance, how a more consumer-centric world will impact healthcare technologies, and whether we’re going to see a slowing down of technology deployments because data breaches are getting out of hand."
In the interview—part of a series of Q&As with HIMSS attendees that includes Drex DeFord, the former CIO at Steward Health Care in Boston and Seattle Children's Hospital & Research Institute who now does independent consulting—Shah also shares his pet peeves, his healthcare hero and the one thing his social media followers don't know about him.