BroadcastMed Spotlights Kidney Transplant Education from the University of Maryland Medical Center

BroadcastMed Spotlights Kidney Transplant Education from the University of Maryland Medical Center

<0> BroadcastMed, Inc.Samantha Kling, 860-760-4205Marketing & Promotions Specialist </0>, BroadcastMed’s premiere surgical broadcasting website, is proud to present webcasts on kidney transplant education from the University of Maryland Medical Center. Learn about its innovative techniques, multidisciplinary approach and groundbreaking research.

The surgeons at the University of Maryland Medical Center are nationally respected pioneers in minimally invasive procedures. One of the many unique aspects about its program is patients have the opportunity to interact with a comprehensive team of specialists, including a surgeon who has the experience of being a transplant recipient, and a compassionate staff of nurses who work in partnership with patients throughout their transplant journey. at the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Also available: Dr. Rolf Barth, Associate Professor of Surgery at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, explains the techniques and outcomes behind the . Described as virtually scarless, living donors that had this procedure done reported higher satisfaction in several key areas.

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