Union campaigns for CEO compensation cap in CA

The SEIU-United Healthcare Workers West has launched a signature campaign for two proposed ballot measures that would cap the compensation of not-for-profit hospital CEOs and how much such facilities can charge for care, the San Francisco Chronicle reported. The union, which represents about 150,000 hospital employees in California, has hired two political operatives who helped pass a 2012 initiative to raise the state's sales tax and levies on the wealthy. The proposed initiatives would cap CEO pay at $450,000 a year, the equivalent of what the President of the United States earns. It would also limit not-for-profit hospitals from charging 25 percent above their costs for care. The union needs 505,000 valid signatures of registered voters by mid-April to place the initiatives on the fall ballot. Its goal is to collect 850,000 signatures. Read the full article at FierceHealthFinance