Study: OB/GYN fees vary up to 2,200 percent

New research suggests OB/GYN fees and availability vary substantially across the United States. According to research by healthcare comparison shopping site, average OB/GYN DRGs can vary by 2,200 percent depending on the zip code in which the physician is based. The group looked at specific DRGs and compared them across the country. For example, DRG 358 (Uterine & Adnexa Procedure for non-malignancy CC) cost was $4,123 in Salisbury, MD, but cost $91,637 in Modesto, CA. Along the way, the study also noted California has the largest number of active OB/GYNs of any state, with 6,147. At the other end of the spectrum, the District of Columbia has 204. It also found there are still twice as many male as female OB/GYNs, but reported the number of graduating male doctors is declining while the number of graduating female doctors has increased.

To get more information on the study:
- read this press release
- download the report (.pdf)

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