Ranbaxy hires Giuliani to work with FDA; Expert's book says vaccines don't cause autism;

> Indian generics manufacturer Ranbaxy, which got slapped with a U.S. ban on 30 of its drugs this week, has hired former New York mayor and presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani to work with the FDA. FiercePharma

> Vaccine expert Paul Offit just released a book defending vaccines against claims that they caused autism. Now he's installed a new security system at his house, as his position is, let's say, a bit unpopular among parents who believe that their autistic child was sickened by vaccinations. FierceVaccines

> Patients who fill their scrips via mail order are much more likely to choose generic drugs, making mail-order pharmacies a surprising potential enemy to brand-name drugmakers, according to two new studies. FiercePharma

> New studies suggest that stem cells extracted from bone marrow could help treat brain damage. By injecting such cells into animals, researchers were able to dramatically reduce the amount of brain damage created by a sudden interruption in the blood supply. FierceBioResearcher

And Finally... Let's hear it for some (very filthy) public service work. Article