With mass job cuts – what is the future of Private Healthcare?

The current economic downturn is hurting everyone. Job losses are ripping out the heart and health of America. More and more people cannot afford good healthcare and opting out of schemes owing to financial pressure.
Owing to this, 50 of the leading US Healthcare companies have just announced a key meeting on how the industry can unite and tackle the current climate. Government officials have also confirmed attendance as well as leading organizations such as the American Health Association.
The CIO Healthcare Summit will be held early this year at the Four Seasons, Florida and will include the Heads of Technology and Business Development alongside the respected CEO’s.
‘As healthcare costs continue to rise, health providers around the country feel a sharp sense of urgency,’ state the American Heart Association, ‘Using information technology to lower costs, reduce medical errors, enhance outcomes and spur efficiency will significantly help the downturn, but for this we need to unite’.
All of this requires large investment and a unity amongst the sector. If this is achieved at the CIO Healthcare Summit new innovation could pave the way for cheaper healthcare and more jobs within the  sector.