Fla. providers, insurers fight no-fault expiration

Right now, it's beginning to look like a Florida law requiring state citizens to carry medically-related auto insurance is going to go away. The situation has prompted a group of the state's providers, health insurers, auto insurers and first responders to fight for keeping the law.

Right now, Florida drivers must buy at least $10,000 in personal injury protection, which pays medical bills resulting from auto accidents. However, the law requiring this may expire Oct. 1. The Florida Hospital Association says such an expiration could be a "prescription for disaster," as it could leave its members with more uncollectible bills from patients who now have no means to pay. Meanwhile, the state's Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan worries rates will need to go up to cover new accident-related claims.

To learn more about the problem:
- read this piece from The Miami Herald

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