FDA backs away from plan to monitor psychiatric drugs

The Food and Drug Administration is backing away from a plan that would force long-term studies of psychiatric drugs before they go on the market. The decision comes after intense lobbying by industry groups, patients and psychiatrists following the regulator's recent decision to institute the new policy. The FDA Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee voted unanimously to overturn the policy at a meeting yesterday in Washington, DC. The decision will likely draw fire from consumer groups which had wanted more data on possible links between some antidepressants and increased risks of suicidal behaviors, as well as other effects such as a rapid weight gain.

- see this article from The Washington Post

PLUS: The Office of the Inspector General at HHS is investigating the circumstances surrounding former FDA Chairman Lester Crawford's abrupt resignation last month. Crawford's decision to retire sparked speculation about possible motives for his departure and calls for an inquiry by Democrats. Article