Connect with patients, staff for positive experiences

Guest post by Scott Kashman, chief administrative officer of Cape Coral Hospital, part of the Lee Memorial Health System in southwest Florida

Could you imagine how crazy we must sound in healthcare when new people arrive? We use terms and phrases like: LWBS (left without being seen), LWOT (let without treatment), ALOS (average length of stay), ROI (return on investment), CDI (clinical documentation improvement), huddle boards, PDCA, LEAN, CT scan, MRI, financial acumen, quality outcomes, core measures, patient experience/HCAHPS, employee engagement, physician engagement, strategy, population health and prevention.

The list goes on. How do we make it easier for people to transition into our organizations or, frankly, reconnect with our organizations?

A few months back I wrote about the new Connectivity plans for our employees, volunteers and physicians. Connectivity serves as a way to take all our strategic initiatives and frame them in an organized way. This allows participants to better understand their role and how they personally contribute to the organization's strategies.

The Patient Side
One story I share during Connectivity is my time as a patient in radiology. Think about it--we are there for an X-ray or MRI and yet, expect so much more. Will the person smile, be nice, explain the procedure, keep me safe?

Read the full commentary at Hospital Impact