Cleveland Clinic conducts uterus transplant; FDA launched natural histories grants;

News From Around the Web

> The Cleveland Clinic has successfully performed the nation's first uterus transplant, National Public Radio reports. Article

> Elderly Californians with outcomes above the poverty line but below the required amount for basic quality of life are almost twice as likely as wealthier ones to be in fair to poor health, be depressed, or lack access to timely healthcare, according to the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research. Fact sheet

> The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has launched a new grants program to fund natural histories studies. Announcement

Health Payer News

> Health maintenance organization plans are making a comeback as an affordable option for healthcare coverage, even as payers continue to battle negative consumer perceptions that the plans limit choices, according to the New York Times. Article

And Finally… Asleep at the switch. Article