CDC: Only half of adults got preventative care before ACA; Many residents use limited Spanish skills with patients;

> The National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems is echoing the American Hospital Association's opposition to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Conditions of Participation (CoP) rule that a medical staff member sit on a governing board, saying it's "deeply troubled by the unexpected requirement." Letter (.pdf)

> Prior to the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010, only half of U.S. adults got preventative care, such as screenings, consultations and prescriptions, according to a study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The agency noted that the figures could change as health reform provisions take effect. Announcement

> PinnacleHealth System in Harrisburg, Pa., and Capital Blue Cross entered into an accountable care arrangement, designed to deliver patient-centered, integrated and holistic care, both organizations announced Wednesday. The new arrangement follows a partnership between PinnacleHealth and Capital Blue Cross in 2010 when they launched a patient-centered medical home pilot. Announcement

> The National Prevention Council released an action plan on Wednesday, calling for coordination and leadership at the federal level and among all executive agencies regarding prevention, wellness and health promotion practices. Action plan

> A new study in the journal Pediatrics found that many doctors-in-training with shaky Spanish skills are willing to talk with patients in Spanish, reported Reuters Health. However, after proficiency tests, fewer residents used their subpar second-language skills to discuss medical care. Article

And Finally… Attention zombies: Real bath salts not for smoking. Statement