ALSO NOTED: Hawaii MDs thrive; California Blue plan fights reform proposal; and much more...

> Doctors are doing well in Hawaii. New research by the federal government has found that doctors there make more, on average, than workers in any other job category. Article

> Blue Cross of California has launched a media campaign critical of proposed state healthcare reforms, which would require insurers to sell policies to all comers regardless of their medical condition. Article

> Medicare has announced that it won't cover lumbar disks for beneficiaries older than 60. CMS argues that studies haven't proven their value. Article

> Researchers are finding that they can predict whether embryos will be viable in the womb by studying the embryo culture medium. Article

> New health data standards are gaining support. Report

> Health systems are seek better user access control. Report

> An international team of investigators working on a specially funded project have found that antibodies extracted from bird flu victims provided immunity to mice later infected with H5N1. Report

And Finally... Are you a fan of Canada's health system? These Canadian researchers aren't. Article